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& I Bet I've Got Some Keys That You Need

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Circle of people

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i want to know about you and your mission

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So you're building a community
to land and embody
Heaven on Earth.

How do you resolve conflict?

You are committed to telling and living Truth. But what happens when you don't agree on what Truth is? 


No matter what level of consciousness someone is in, there is a desire to know How Power Is Handled Amongst You.


How does someone come to be voted off the island? 


You'll never have an environment where people truly feel supported to fully speak the Truth - even if it upsets the village - until there exists the process for

 ex-communication and everything that comes before that. 


Potential Clients

Are You A Match?

Client 1

Creative Synergy

You are a steward of at least one world-changing mission

You are in submission to exactly what God requires of you.

You welcome the exact someone who will see the things that you can't and show you what change will bring everything into even more harmonious connection. 

Dysfunction cannot stand in my presence. All rises to its divinely appointed state of order in my presence. 

Client 7

Emergent Leadership Training

Here's an example:

You are hosting a webinar to let people know about this heavenly opportunity you are creating. You are inviting them to contribute. Someone starts asking logistical questions in a chat box. You start telling them that you can sense they are asking from an energy that doesn't align with your mission, that they are wanting to know what they can get for what they are giving, that they are not a good match. You do not answer the logistical questions. 


I am witnessing you on this webinar. You are attempting to correct and teach this person who is asking the question. You are oppressing what is trying to emerge in the space instead of following the thread of what is desiring to emerge. You do not recognize that you have sent a signal to everybody watching that their questions will not bring answers but instead will bring attempts to correct. You do not see that the person is asking the logistical question because there is information that you need to offer to the people there that you have not offered. The energy of your mission is asking for it. The energy of the people there require it. Not because they are not a match. Because there is something else that needs to be disclosed. 


I know that. I pay the $500 deposit anyways. I find out later that the $500 deposit is for something that I'm not actually guaranteed to get unless I successfully make it through an approval process... and there is no mention of getting a refund if I don't make it through the approval process. That is the information that needed to be present in the webinar. 


Trust has been damaged already. Whoops! You have come across as one of those high vibe spiritual cults that criticizes people who ask questions, who think that having "blind faith" means "not asking questions", and who undermine people's legitimate discernment processes.


Are you ready to hear all of that? Are you ready to implement every change needed? From this one instance, there are at least 3 changes needed. 



Client 8

Successful Collaboration



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